# Matek's Hub of Ponder and Wonder
#### Where mentee's doings have weight resulting in consequences of desire.
Website to accumulate knowledge - sourcing well needed information for ya, on many disciplines that are needed for survival and being a humane being (living a contentful life)… not only that:
1) Computing
2) Self/ consciousness
1) Highly attributed with body, mind and body connection, a whole.
3) Personal finance/ money
4) Mother (Nature)
5) Post-apocalyptic survival
1) Living without dependencies (every person should strive for)
6) Research on bunch of topics
7) etc...
This hub is under construction.
For the meanwhile,
for all enquires,
[email protected].
==Mind you this is an Obsidian Vault, markdown pages, of contents which I wish for in a fully-fledged MateksHub without restrictions -
imposed by Obsidian Publish.==